22 Long Range Rimfire Events
.22 Long Range Challenge Series (Open to the Public)
This year, we’re launching an exciting five-match series that ends with a Finale, where the series champion will be crowned! The series title will be awarded based on each shooter’s top three scores. You don’t need to attend all the matches to compete.
- IWLA .22 Rimfire Long Range Challenge Match #1 – April 26
Register via PractiScore: https://practiscore.com/iwla-22-rimfire-long-range-challenge-match-1/register
- IWLA .22 Rimfire Long Range Challenge Match #2 – May 17
Register via PractiScore: https://practiscore.com/iwla-22-rimfire-long-range-challenge-match-2/register
- IWLA .22 Rimfire Long Range Challenge Match #3 – July 12
Register via PractiScore: https://practiscore.com/iwla-22-rimfire-long-range-challenge-match-3/register
- IWLA .22 Rimfire Long Range Challenge Match #4 – August 23
Register via PractiScore: TBD
- IWLA .22 Rimfire Long Range Challenge Match #5 (Finale) – September 20
Register via PractiScore: TBD
Matches will consist of reactive targets (steel, poppers, eggs hanging on string, etc.) of varying distances from 50-~350 yards and is designed to be fun for beginners, intermediate, and advanced shooters.
Targets and distances will be provided in advance so you can build your D.O.P.E. chart.
Match begins with 6 person squads starting at 9:00 am and running through ~4 pm.
Format: .22 Long Rifle, shot from a bench, ~15 target locations, 2 shots at each target – total of ~40 shots.
Note: We will have sighter targets available @50/100 yds.
Cost: $20 for members / $30 – Non-Members
We will also have an optional “Chicken Match” at noon. $5 entry for 5 shots, winner takes pot!
Schedule for the day
Squad 1: 9 – 10 am
Squad 2: 10 – 11 am
Squad 3: 11 am – 12 pm
Lunch Break/Chicken Match 12 – 1 pm
Squad 4: 1 – 2 pm
Squad 5: 2 – 3 pm