Izaak Walton League - Mt Airy Chapter

The Izaak Walton League’s Save Our Streams program is the only nationwide program training volunteers to protect waterways from pollution and bring information about water quality to their communities.

With the 4 chemical kits that the club currently has, the Mt Airy Chapter is able to monitor 40 locations  Mt Airy Chapter IWLA Stream Monitoring Sites WEB Site 7-1-2022

After testing has been completed, the test results are uploaded to the IWLA Clean Water Hub.  The data then becomes available to anyone in the country for analysis.
The club now has a total of 10 active members qualified to do chemical testing and a three members certified to do Biological testing.
Anybody can get trained as a volunteer stream monitor – and anybody can collect valuable data about the health of their local stream with no training at all. How will you help to Save Our Streams?

Biological Test Training

Monocacy test site Big Bend 3 below Frederick City Golf course.

James Becker collecting water samples

Test Kit for the Save Our Streams program

David Brown documenting his findings